Top tips to help parents prepare for results days

We understand that both parents and young people approach Results Days with trepidation for varied reasons. As a parent, you want the absolute best for your son/daughter and want to support them whatever the outcome.

Firstly, congratulations are always in order. If they’ve got the grades they wanted, then great. However, it’s still important to be positive even if the results aren’t what they hoped for; they’ve done their best. Focus on their strengths, good qualities and remind them a career path isn’t always a straight line.

Top tips:

  • Don’t panic!

There will always be a place for them even if they have to change their plans a little. Carefully check the entry requirements for their next step. Or contact their preferred provider, college, sixth form, employer or university. They may still be prepared to accept them with the grades they have.

  • Talk to people.

Speak to teachers, tutors in school, college or to an Inspira Adviser.

  • Remember there’s some flexibility on the qualifications needed, resits maybe an options or an alternative course.

These are many ways in which they could get back onto their original path – even if they can’t do the level of course they wanted. There’s a good chance of being able to do the same subject at a lower level. For example, if they wanted to do a Level 3 Health and social care but didn’t get the grades they needed, they may be offered Level 2.

The same goes for A-Levels, some schools have a one-year foundation course that you can do before A-Levels. A University might be able to offer a similar course which requires fewer points.

GCSE students that failed English and Maths should be getting advice from their school straight away as these are the most important subjects for their future. They might not think you need them now, but they might need them in a few years. All colleges offer resit options in English and Maths as do some sixth forms.

  • Finding a Plan B

If they need careers advice your son or daughter can speak to Inspira. Either in person or over the phone. You can book a slot by getting in touch (see below).

We can help your son or daughter find an alternative route to get them where they want to go sooner rather than later!

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