Why are Maths and English important for people wanting to progress?
No matter what career path you decide to go down, numeracy and literacy will be an essential part of your personal and professional life. It's impossible to go a day without using Maths and English, and a good level of understanding means that you can have more control over things in life. Such as your finances, communication skills, and you can gain a better understanding of personal data such as deductions on your payslip. They are subjects that contain basic, underlying principles that play out in the real world all around us. Ensuring you have GCSE (or equivalent) Maths and English is essential. Don’t forget you can upskill yourself in these valuable subjects at any time!
Most employers expect people to have good Maths and English GCSEs and without this, it can be hard to get your foot in the door. It’s so important that students who don't get a grade of C or above in these subjects can carry on studying and improve their grades.
Having good Maths and English skills is good for you!
You could be healthier – there is evidence to suggest people with high numeracy and literacy levels are healthier, with a longer life expectancy.
The emerging picture is clear: the ability to use both Maths and English in an everyday setting is important not just for work, but for the emotional, social, and physical well-being of people. Many experts believe this is because people will have a higher level of understanding of the world around them when they have a higher numeracy and literacy rate, and that they can advocate on behalf of themselves better.
How do numeracy and literacy affect our job prospects?
Not only are you less likely to get a job but you’re much less likely to progress within roles if you don’t have a good level of numeracy and literacy skills. Without these vital skills, you are also less likely to find employment and are more likely to get paid less.
The National Literacy Trust complied a report and research on the UK economy found:
- People with poor numeracy skills are more than twice as likely to face unemployment.
- Having formally recognised Maths and English qualifications can make the difference when applying for a job or promotion you may want. People with good Maths and English skills earn approximately £2,000 more than those who don’t.
- 95% of all employment in the UK requires employees to be able to read.
- Just under two-thirds of men and three-quarters of women with very low literacy skills have never received a promotion.
In a work environment, it is essential that people understand the world around them. Maths and English are the building blocks for future skills and qualifications, for us to develop as people.
Functional Skills might be for you.
Functional Skills focus on helping people to acquire skills that are valued by employers. Those who have not achieved a good pass at GCSE have no public certification of the skills they have acquired; however, Functional Skills are widely accepted as a GCSE equivalent.
Entry Level qualifications:
Level 1 qualifications are:
- GCSE grades 3, 2, 1 or grades D, E, F, G.
- Level 1 functions skills
Level 2 qualifications are:
- GCSE grades 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4 or grades A*, A, B, C.
- Level 2 function skills
Functional Skills qualifications are an ideal option for those who didn’t get a grade 4 (c or above) at GCSE and would like to re-sit. Functional skills are assessed through online modules, speaking, listening and communication. They also tend to be a great option for those who didn’t like classroom-based learning at school. Employers value Function Skills as they help employees to solve their business problems and put valuable skills into practice.
Maths and English are central to work and life. Success in these subjects is linked to better life chances, greater achievement and boosting your confidence. Here at Inspira, we can help you locate the right support for improving or gaining qualifications in Maths and English. Check out our related blogs for more information or get in touch with an Inspira adviser for free 1:1 career advice today!
“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing. ”
― Walt Disney
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