Do you struggle with money management and budgeting?
Do you lack confidence when it comes to numbers?
Do you want to make yourself more employable?

If you lack confidence with numbers or are anxious about managing your money, don't worry you are not alone.
We offer the right sort of support needed to increase your confidence around maths in the real world and workplace. This ranges from simple supermarket sums to the different types of bank accounts on offer.
We also offer a 1:1 session where together with an adviser you can complete a Better Off Calculation and discover the benefits of being in employment from a monetary perspective.
To book a place on this FREE course or for more information, please call 01524 481 380.
Date: Various dates and times available
Venues: Various locations available
Restrictions apply.

Multiply has been launched as part of the government’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) programme, by the Department for Education (DfE).

Let us help you Be Bold, Be Resilient and Be Relevant.
To book a free 1:1 appointment with one of our advisers - email, call us or use our form and we will arrange an online or phone appointment with you.
⮞ Call us on 0345 658 8647
⮞ Email us at
⮞ Our Form
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