From Ukraine to Carlisle...

At the age of 63, Eduard's life took an unexpected and extremely distressing turn when the war in Ukraine forced him and his wife to flee their home and relocate to Carlisle.

Leaving behind a successful law firm that he had managed for many years, Eduard found himself in a foreign country, unable to speak English and living with a sponsor family. The upheaval of relocating meant that Eduard not only had to leave his career and life behind, but he also had no knowledge of the area and local labour market. He lacked a CV and had no clear direction for his future.

These barriers marked the beginning of Eduard's journey with Inspira, a path filled with uncertainty but driven by the determination to rebuild his life in a new country and city.

Working with Inspira Adviser, Erin, the initial focus during the first few appointments was to ensure that Eduard’s immediate needs were addressed. The priorities included registering him with a GP surgery to tackle health concerns, which was essential for his well-being. Alongside this, she provided comprehensive information, advice and guidance on the local labour market, helping Eduard understand the opportunities available to him.

After thorough discussions, Eduard expressed a desire to find work as a cleaner in an office, school, or factory, where he could work independently and not face any significant language barriers. With this goal in mind, Erin developed a CV that highlighted Eduard's transferable skills and experiences from his legal background. Additionally, they set up an Indeed account to facilitate his job searches. Throughout this time, Eduard remained highly focused on improving his English, dedicating considerable time in preparing for his upcoming ESOL exams (English to Speakers of Other Languages).

Partway through his Inspira journey, Eduard encountered an unexpected challenge; his sponsor family informed him that they could no longer accommodate him. This news was a significant setback, but Eduard remained positive. Additional appointments were scheduled to address this issue, during which Erin guided Eduard on how to use Cumbria Choice to bid on social housing and how to explore private housing options through Rightmove. With additional support from Cumberland Council, Eduard was able to find suitable housing in Carlisle and received assistance in setting up his bills and other essential services. This outcome allowed Eduard to refocus on his primary goal of securing employment.

Recognising the importance of clarity in the process, Erin arranged for additional one-on-one job search sessions with Eduard. During these sessions, they carefully reviewed job descriptions, locations, and requirements to ensure Eduard fully understood each role before applying. Together they completed several high-quality, tailored applications for various positions. Then, an opportunity came through for the role of store cleaner at Currys, just a few bus-stops away from Eduard's new home. Erin promptly contacted Eduard with the details and, with his permission, forwarded his CV to the employer. Understanding the potential for miscommunication, she included a reasonable adjustment request, asking if all communication with Eduard could be carried out via email. The employer kindly adhered to this, and promptly invited Eduard for an interview.

After successfully completing the interview, induction, and Right-to-Work check, Eduard was offered a permanent contract.

Today, Eduard is overjoyed. Reflecting on his experience with Inspira, he is amazed at how, within just nine months, he has secured employment in Carlisle and settled into a new life in Cumbria. Eduard is deeply grateful for the support he has received and is excited to start his new role.

Erin, Employability Adviser said: “Eduard’s story serves as a compelling example of the strength of persistence and optimism, and the ability to overcome significant obstacles to achieve your goals.”