Bailey Wilde, 17 years old and from Penrith has an EHCP (Education Health Care Plan) and was approaching the end of Year 12.
"I knew that I didn’t want to stay on at school," said Bailey," But I was unsure of my options and if I was academically able for the level of courses that I wanted to study (Sport)."
Inspira Adviser, Louise Latta, was invited to attend Bailey's EHCP review and through discussion suggested a visit to a local college to look at the Foundation Learning courses which offer units tailored around the interests of the student. While on the tour Louise and Bailey began talking about his experience rendering the outside back wall at home - expanding on the idea Louise suggested a construction route.
"As soon as I walked through the entrance (of the College) it just felt right," continued Bailey. "Everyone was very welcoming, and I was shown around the college and construction department. I decided to apply and attended a ‘Future Student Event’ and even a ‘Taster Day’."
Louise was able to help Bailey complete his special transport request which helped to make Bailey feel more confident about starting college in September.
"I feel I am going to benefit personally,"Bailey said. "As this course is going to improve my fine motor skills and confidence which will help me prepare for the future and the ‘World of Work’.
“I feel that Inspira have provided a really good service and I don’t think I would have got to where I am without the support of Louise.”
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