A Game Changer for Careers Education - improving the engagement of employers in career education in the Cumberland Council area.
Employer encounters are vitally important for all young people. They help to broaden young people’s horizons, raises their aspirations, challenge stereotyping, and increase their motivation to learn. Having an understanding about different career routes and opportunities, helps young people to make better and more informed decisions about their futures. Research has shown that school-age encounters with people in work is linked with reduced risks of becoming NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training) and with better earnings.
Through The Link, we are building a network of small and medium sized employers to work with young people across Cumbria to understand the world of work. This exciting project brings employers into the world of education through a range of activities increasing the number of opportunities young people have to learn from employers about the world of work and the skills that are valued in the workplace. Examples of the kinds of opportunities include: world of work events, mock interviews, speed networking, interactive workshops and careers fairs.
For more information please contact: deborah.naylor@inspira.org.uk
This project is supported by Cumberland Council Council / UK Shared Prosperity Fund funding.