Safeguarding is keeping people safe from harm and abuse.
What is Extremism?
Extremism is the advocacy or support for extreme beliefs or actions, often in a political or religious context, that are far outside society’s mainstream attitudes and can potentially lead to violence or suppression of rights.
What is Radicalisation?
The process of grooming individuals to support terrorist activity.
What is Prevent?
Prevent is about keeping people and communities safe from the threat of terrorism.
What are the ‘Fundamental
British Values'
Democracy, individual liberty, the rule of law, mutual respect and tolerance are all fundamental British values.
Your concerns matter - raise them in confidence.
Safeguarding - forconcerns involving a young person or adult, Sarah Harrington is your first point of contact. You can reach Sarah at:
Whistleblowing - Please direct your emails to:
Human Resources - for any HR-related queries, our HR department can be contacted at:
GDPR - for GDPR related queriesplease send your emails